Sound Massage & Sound Therapy

Sound Massage with Gongs and Singing Bowls – everything you need for harmonious relaxation
Sound massage with gongs and singing bowls is an effective method for promoting relaxation and well-being. This proven practice is simply good. She uses both the fine, long-lasting sounds as well as the noticeable vibrations of the singing bowls and gongs to relax the body and mind, to relax and to recharge. The different singing bowls are ideally harmoniously coordinated with one another (which we would be happy to do for you) and therefore complement each other perfectly to create unique sound landscapes that have a wonderfully calming effect and thus reduce stress. Body and mind can breathe again and recover.
What is a sound massage with Gongs and Singing Bowls?
A sound massage combines the gentle sounds and vibrations of singing bowls with the powerful and more intense tones and vibrations of a gong. Both instruments generate vibrations that are transmitted to the body and, depending on the application, have either a stimulating or very calming effect. You will determine this together with the (hopefully sensitive and responsive) provider of your sound massage. While the singing bowls gently penetrate the body with their fine, calming tones, the gongs together with the bowls serve as a connecting, powerful, mostly bassy element that creates this wonderful feel-good atmosphere.
Singing Bowls
Singing Bowls are placed on the body or close to the body and produce their wonderfully calming effect best when the singing bowls “sing together” in harmony, i.e. when their sounds fit together perfectly. The combination of relaxation through the long-lasting tones and the massage effect through the gentle vibrations of the bowls on the body create this magic that attracts so many people and feels just great. The crucial thing is both the perfectly fitting singing bowls and the sensitive person performing the sound massage.
In these sound massage sets, Gongs are a kind of soft, comfortable (sound) carpet that serves as a basis and helps determine the atmosphere. If it is chosen well (it should definitely match the sound of the bowls), it can make you take off like the flying carpet in many a fairy tale :). Here too, it is the quality of the Gong and the player that makes the sound experience what it should be in the best sense: a thoroughly relaxing, touching and empowering experience.
Let us put together your personal sound massage or sound therapy sets - tailored to your ideas and plans. Feel free to contact us at any time!
The benefits of sound massage with Gongs and Singing Bowls
A sound massage with gongs and singing bowls can be a wonderful, enriching experience for the body and mind. The vibrations of the singing bowls and gongs promote deep relaxation that goes beyond classic meditation. The body is brought into a state of calm in which stress and tension can be released. The sound waves also have the ability to release blockages in the flow of energy. This contributes to the regeneration of body, mind and soul. The gentle but deep sounds calm the nervous system and help reduce stress levels.
What is needed?
For a sound massage with gongs and singing bowls, some special instruments are recommended in order to develop the full potential of the treatment:
- Singing bowls: Singing bowls come in different sizes and produce different tones and frequencies. It is recommended to use three to five bowls in order to offer a wide range of sounds and to be able to massage different areas of the body at the same time. I would recommend larger and heavier bowls in the pelvic area, and lighter singing bowls in the upper back. But it's always best to adapt and put together individually.
- Gongs: One or more Gongs, used in different sizes and tunings, are recommended for the deep, powerful sounds. Here too, it is important that the Gongs fit in with the rest of the set.
- Mallets: Depending on the Singing Bowls and Gongs, there are different high quality mallets that conjure up the perfect sounds from the Gongs and Singing Bowls.
- A calm, relaxing atmosphere is essential for the success of the sound massage.